Welcome to Fat Tony's Blackjack
The Fat man's back, and this time, he's bringing you the finest collection of free online blackjack information, including the lowdown on blackjack rules, blackjack strategy, a free online blackjack game and more! Hi folks,
this is Fat Tony speakin' to you, and I'm here to help you shake Vegas
by the ankles. Too many times has the Fat man seen players throw away
their money with bad playing strategies and uninformed decision-making
at the blackjack table. It's time to strike back boys and girls, it's
time to get good at blackjack, and make Vegas not like you anymore
('cause, you know why they like you, right?).
There are two things you've got to learn to use when you take on Blackjack:
your brain, and your gut. Going by either alone is dumb, going by both
at once is damn hard and could leave you in depression.
Going by neither is, well, not worth discussing. The brain-work ain't
so hard. In fact you can learn the basics of what you need to know in
seconds, and memorize some of the less logical bits within a few sessions.
After that, all you need to do is play, play, play to develop your gut.
Fat Tony has a very well developed gut, hence the name. The Fat man can
give you advice to get you started, and some extras to help you along
your way.
Tools needed to master blackjack: a good website - CHECK
A good risk-free game with bankroll management - CHECK
Of course, a good website contains a lot of little tips and pieces of
info you need to know, so it's a pretty big tool. Fat Tony's blackjack
site, the one you're on right now, has all the bells and whistles the
corporate big boys have, but without the attitude.
Fat Tony's free blackjack game is one of the best on the Internet, with
built in bankroll management that stays with you even after you leave
and come back (perfect for building and testing your strategy). You can
also talk to Fat Tony's other visitors while you play, maybe see if they
know anything you don't.

Why Slot Machines are the Most Popular Games in a UK Online Casino
For most gamblers there is nothing quite like playing on slot machines, whether at a live casino or a casino online. The flashing lights and entrancing music are just some of the features that make these games so great but in the end it is the solitude that makes most people so attracted to them. In the UK slot machines rank as one of the most popular forms of gambling. In the end it is you against the machine, no outside influence and no dealer calling the shots.
The UK gambling scene is one that is still in its infancy when compared to their older, American cousins. This may be why the British public is more attracted to simpler games like slot machines, roulette and blackjack. In the end you may notice that a casino online that is aimed at British players will reflect this in their available games. Although there will be a broad selection of games available to play the main selection that is normally advertised will stick to the blackjack, roulette and slot machines.
Finding a casino online that caters to your tastes is not as hard as you may think. All it really takes is a quick search and you will find that perfect casino online in no time at all. From there all it takes is a little time to fill out your personal details and you will be ready to gamble the nights away.
Online Poker Etiquette Guide
There is no doubt that the most intimidating part of playing cards "next to the looming possibility of financial loss " is the learning the correct etiquette that goes along with proper card playing. Good card players are not only distinguished by their ability to carry out gaming procedures correctly, but also for their capacity to perform these duties with the utmost confidence and grace. Acting self-assured at all times may require a little bit of acting ability, but the west way to prepare for the role is to really know what you're doing. For this reason, it may be necessary for inexperienced players to study basic rules and game play standards as well as gaming strategy and technique.
It is considered both polite and wise for a player to make an effort to be well informed about current gaming news, sporting and eligibility laws, and industry standards. Following your game of choice is easier than ever with helpful and specialized gaming news and information lobbies such as Poker.ca or even Ultimate bet poker. As well as serving as a source of industry background knowledge, keeping up with poker headlines will help build your natural interest in the game and aid you in making valuable gambling contacts.
The most important aspects of poker etiquette, however, require players to adhere to the spirit of fair play. The opportunity to play poker online has started an exciting new conversation in many gaming circles about the influence that online poker has had on the essence of the game itself.